Thursday, June 27, 2013

A New Campus, Museums, and Shopping- Day 6

On our 6th day at TU, we woke up, ate breakfast, and boarded the bus which would take us to the other Taizhou University campus located in the city of Jiojang. The bus ride took us about an hour to get there. When we got there, we were taken on a tour. It was incredibly hot and humid and we were all incredibly sweaty by the time we reached their canteen for lunch. 

I didn't take very many photos on the campus tour because I was so hot. :/
But! Here's a picture of my lunch. I'm all about some food pics!

After our quick campus tour, we hopped back on the bus to take us to the Glass Art Museum. Unfortunately, it was closed when we got there so we decided to do a bit of souvenir shopping at the ancient street in town. Here are a few photos:

After we shopped a bit, we went to the museum that was at the end of this street. Here are a few pictures from that museum:

After that museum, we went back to the Glass Art Museum. All of the art in the museum was the work of one man. This man seemed to be quite celebrated throughout China, and the world. There were pictures of him in his youth with many Chinese government officials, including Mao, and even a picture of him with Bill Clinton. When we got there, we toured the whole museum, and when we reached the end, we met a man who was walking around. Turns out, it was the artist! It was incredible that we got to meet him, and he even took us to a room, grabbed a wine glass, and showed us how he made his art. It was an incredible experience! Not just for us, but for our Chinese co-students and teachers that went with us as well. 

Here are a few pictures from the museum and with the artist:

After that awesome experience, we got back on the bus and headed back to our Taizhou University campus, ate "Chinese burritos" and called it a night. 

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