Thursday, June 27, 2013

Our final day at Taizhou University!

Our final day at Taizhou University included a trip to a temple that seemed to be built in the water, the Great Wall in Linhai City, and several Buddhist temples. Honestly, words can't describe what an experience it was for us. So, here's a few pictures to do that for me... A picture's worth a thousand words, right??

All of the pictures above are from the first stop of the day. This place was so relaxing. It was so funny, though, it seemed like all of the Chinese retirees went there to practice their daily activities. But hey! If I were retired and lived near a thousand year old temple, I might wake up early to do some Tai Chi there, too! 

Our next stop would be the Great Wall of Linhai. The entrance of the part that we were to walk was definitely a behemoth.... Let me just post a picture to explain.

Yeah, all those are stairs. I was panting for my breath halfway through the first set. When we finally reached the top, we did a quick victory dance, and then we all bought fans. Not even to keep as souvenirs, but for practical use. Smart marketing tactic on the location, might I add. Already exhausted, we began our journey down the wall. We walked at least a 5k! Before I post pictures of the wall, however, here's a few of the great Engrish signs we found along the way:

Small cigarette, not a big park landscape it swallowed.

Trash has the family I to deliver it, Environmental protection you may he. 
Everyone make sure you take note!!

Now, here are the pictures I took on the wall:

Sorry, Lea! It was so hot- we were all wiping sweat off of our faces. We journeyed up there, and sang "I'll Make a Man Out of You" by Mulan for motivation. I have to tell you, it actually worked! I felt much more ready to hike after that. 

"Be a Man!
We must be swift as a coursing river...

Be a Man!

With all the force of a great typhoon...

Be a Man!

With all the strength of a raging fire...

Mysterious as the Dark Side of the Moon!"

When we got to a certain point at the wall, we reached a Buddhist temple. Turns out, it's a big deal to take pictures of Buddah... oops.

After a bit further, we finally reached the bottom! It was time for a victory picture!

Next stop on our final sight-seeing adventure: another Buddhist temple!

After this exhausting, yet incredible day, we went back to the hotel, showered up, and prepared for our final dinner in China.

We went to the teacher's canteen and met all of our teachers, several staff members, and all of our co-students. We were to make dumplings! It is tradition in China to eat dumplings as a "coming home" food. So, they thought it would be a great activity to make them ourselves. 

I'm probably the worst dumpling maker in the world, by the way.

Alongside the dumplings, we had several other dishes... Including preserved eggs. Yes! I tried them. They tasted similar to deviled eggs.

After our dinner, we exchanged gifts with our co-students and even a few tears were shed. It was becoming real for us- we really had to go back home.

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