Thursday, June 27, 2013

Final Thoughts on China

Ah.... It was finally our last day in China. 

We woke up and met all of our co-students in the lobby of our hotel where tears were shed, QQ (A Chinese social network) numbers were shared, and promises of seeing each other next year were made. It was a very emotional morning.

Then, boarded the bus back to Shanghai. After the 5 hour drive, we made it to the airport. Then, we prepared ourselves for the exhausting flight ahead of us from Shanghai to Detroit. Then, a 2 hour layover and another flight, we arrived in Atlanta. Longest Monday of my life!

Now that I'm finally home, comfortable in my AC, I can honestly say I'll miss China. I've made tons of unforgettable memories, and now I can say I have friends on the other side of the world. I'm incredibly blessed to have the opportunity to travel abroad, especially with the company that I had with me. Our trip definitely wouldn't have been as special without the King of KTV, Dr. Garrett, and Dr. Reed.

Without further ado, til' next time, China!!

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