Thursday, June 27, 2013

Tai Chi, Volleyball, and Chinese games- Day 4!

If we weren't exhausted from the Kung Fu lesson we had before, we were about to be! This day, we learned a Tai Chi sequence. You'd think Tai Chi would be relaxing and rather easy from the performance we saw the day before, but man! It was quite difficult. It really made me realize how out of shape I am! In fact, I downloaded a Tai Chi app to my iPhone when we got back to the states! Again, we were all participating, so no photos from this. But after Tai Chi, they showed us how to perform the  Dragon Dance. They made it look so easy the day before, but trust me! Chinese dancing is no joke! Here's a few pictures:

Awwe. Dr. Reed giving him a kiss!

What's that in the distance?! Haha

We made a dragon boat!

After Tai Chi and dragon dancing, we had some spare time before our next activity, so we decided to go play volleyball on the courts. I haven't sweated so much in my life! For some crazy reason, we went at the hottest part of the day. Why? I have no idea. To make it worse, this was the first day that it hadn't rained at Taizhou, and probably the only day that we got to see a clear blue sky, so the sun was out in full force. Most of us decided to skip lunch and just cool off before our afternoon activity. 

The schedule said "activity organized by English majors" which turned out to be a mini-competition. We competed in little games, like a form of charades, a basketball shooting game, and several others. There were probably twelve teams and we earned points for each activity. My team came in third place! The very bottom of the losers, however, had to drink a concoction of beer, fanta, vinegar, salt and hot peppers! Poor Kayla, Lea, Lynn and Freeman. :/ They were the victims of this Chinese torture!

After our afternoon activity, we took showers and let Cherry take us to her favorite restaurant, which was famous for its "bone soup" which was really just really strong broth with a big bone in it. This dinner was really good, though. We had a choice between pork, chicken, and duck! Here's some more food pictures:

Our "bone soup" and rice

Chicken- with a side of potatoes (although they looked like hashbrowns, they definitely didn't taste like it) and seaweed.


After dinner, we went back to KTV for a second (and my final) time. I've dedicated an entire blog post to our adventures at KTV, so you can check that out! After we returned from KTV, it was time to end our 4th day at Taizhou and prepare for the next!

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